Message of Merriment | Editor's Lens
What emotion appears to a mother that has just given birth to an infant, what ecstasy overflows in the heart of an artist that is going to pick his brush to create a wonder piece, what joy an artisan feels at the implementation of his imagination, the same excitement and glee have been experienced by our team while presenting the first issue of our mouthpiece. A mouthpiece of any organisation is very essential for the development and display of its work. And we are glad to announce that our mouthpiece shall be known as ‘LinguaZine’ here after.
The storm of thoughts and floods of imaginations have pushed us to the stage of creation. The goodwill cherished in our hearts for the cause of students has kept all of us abound to this noble deed. The consistent inspirations from the people like Arvind Amin have sparked the flame for pursuing the task. The guidance of people like Karsan Desai has helped us brush aside all the doubts. The team work of fellow teachers and their continuous demands have paved the way for formation of the group.
We, throbbing with delight from the bottom of our hearts and singing the tunes of merriment at the beginning of our journey, are going to announce the formation of a group solely dedicated to the cause of the English language. After a range of discussions and debates, we are pleased to announce that our group shall be known as ‘Lingua Odyssey’. As the name suggests, we are determined for a long journey for the English language. Tiredness will evaporate with the team work, confusions will be solved with the help of colleagues, doubts will turn into determinations, and ignorance will be cleared by inspirations.
We are now eyeing towards your feedback and contribution. We invite you to send your articles, experiences, glimpses of classroom works and innovations for this journal. We would also like to have you in our team. You can also share your confusions and querries with our team.
Let’s come and prosper together. Let’s unite and work together. Let’s walk and win together.
समानी व आकूति: समाना ह्रदयानि व:।
समानमस्तु वो मनो यथा व: सुसहासति॥
(United be your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist in togetherness, wholeness.)
Rigveda 8.49.4
Hiren Maheta | Editor-In-Chief
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